It’s not about being rich. It’s about this, right here.
Years ago when I was still working in corporate world, I despised the control that employers had over me and my financial well-being. My wealth was directly tied to my connection to the company I worked for. From every angle, they OWNED me. I hoped that they would take care of me, and I was petrified of what would happen if somehow I lost that security. If my job was redundant, or the company’s execs did something “controversial” - my world could possibly have crumbled. What’s nuts is, that could happen and it would have absolutely, positively NOTHING to do with me or my work or my attitude or whatever! I could lose it all because someone I never met decided it to be so. That realization was the catalyst I needed in my life to take over and take control.
I’m not rich. I’m not famous. I’m a 42-year-old happy and proud husband and father of two beautiful angels. I live in what I feel is one of the greatest cities in the world. I work hard. I work smart. I wasn’t born a genius (I’m still not one, by the way). The crazy thing is - if I wanted to, I could retire today in a beautiful house on a beach without a mortgage. I have enough passive income from rental properties to sustain my family comfortably (I would probably have a small boat, though I’m sure I couldn’t afford an airplane). Yet - I’ll repeat - I’m not rich. I’m not famous. I am not a different person than who I was a decade ago. I’m just a bit better, a little older (with a little less hair on my scalp), and a whole lot more in control of my financial well-being.
It all started with my first income property. That turned into a couple of income properties. That turned into several more. And all very easily. We haven’t missed a family vacation (we actually take more), we haven’t missed a birthday, or missed any work commitments. My wife and I haven’t had to adapt to owning income properties. The way we’ve done it, it’s very simple. And BECAUSE we chose this path, we have an amazing future ahead of us, and can retire young if we wanted.
So no, I, or Team Mangos - or anyone else, for that matter - won’t make you rich or famous. What we can do, though, is something pretty special. We can help you create a better, more comfortable YOU for your future, without really changing who you are.
This is the real world, and we are real people. My team knows we aren’t going to magically vault you into riches. What we do is develop solutions to help you have a better life, a more comfortable life - though not necessarily a different one. Our goal isn’t to transform you into a multi-millionaire overnight. We don’t want to change who you are, your values or what your principles are. What we do is provide realistic real estate investment solutions to help you make it through. We make it easy. We get involved and take away a lot of the mess. We simplify things. When you buy investment properties through us, we do it with you in a way that really does not impact your day-to-day. You won’t miss gymnastics practice or Monday Night Football. Nothing changes in your life, not dramatically at first. Yet slowly and surely you’ll end up in a place in the not-too-distant-future where you look forward more to the 1st of month than you do to your own birthday. You’ll love the “dings” your mobile makes as cash flow emails arrive. You’re still the same person - totally. We would have just helped change your financial life for the better. You’ll need your job less and less, of course. And maybe then you’ll take that extra vacation, or landscape the front yard. It won’t hurt as much (if at all), knowing that this is bonus money you’re using.
So, no, we won’t make you rich. I can assure you. You won’t make headlines in the papers. And it doesn’t matter. What I can guarantee you is that in the mid-to-long term, you’ll find some amazing new sources of income. You’ll be so proud of yourself that you did something - anything - when you read this, instead of just waiting and waiting and waiting for nothing to happen.
Step 1 was to read this and feel something. Step 2 is to message me and let’s figure out how to build a better life. Yes, you have permission to call me and let’s get this going! Don’t go bananas, Go Mangos.